"Gossamer Creek"

Here on Gossamer Creek I’ve listened well

to the steady chuck-a-luck of bullfrogs who

flop and flip among the ferns,

A Tag-A-Log of sorts, a reverie

at dawn and dusk.

The lead barker reads the daily news at five;

at Randall’s eddy a blade of glass has split itself

in three and today at noon a tot had spilled

her juicy cup into the wash like elderberry wine.

Where Reddy Snap, the emperor turtle glides

from shore to shore and Moss the Muskrat marks

his turf from to cove to covey ‘til the tadpoles turn

beneath the mud.

I often wonder whether or not our news reaches as fas

as this brook,

whether or not these waders know that demise

and doom is projected for tomorrow,

that Earth has spun itself into a peril,

that the banks of Gossamer will soon be baked to

crust, the blades of grass will turn to stalks

and husks and reeds.

Would the Christian God of Love revert His course

or has he reverted to his former self,

destroying Yahweh from on high,

demanding that a covenant be held

and searching for a Noah, Moses or Abraham

to obey and live out his commands?

Or has a fickle Mother Nature flown

into a jealous fit of rage

at us who’ve forgone the lore, the lute and page

for the blueish glow of the all-seeing device

that charts her every move?

Would the high priests of our age elect to stay

the sacrificial blade in light of this eclipse

and can we move the stones together to erect

a new temple that ushers in a Golden Age,

that brings a riper bounty not nursed by blood,

where freight trains slide in tandem with the winds

and the derrick pumps in strict coordination with the tribal law?

I elect Chief Reddy Snap and make the river crickets scribes,

thrust Moss the Muskrat into the Marshal Seat,

for the gas house gang which masquerades in suits has held

no finer, more suitable banner high

and sinks its teeth into the remaining fruit

without scattering the seeds for tomorrow.